What is the Charter Programme?
The Charter Programme is a tried and tested framework which will provide your organisation with the tools, resources and policies you need to start implementing family-friendly working practices.
The PiPA Best Practice Charter Programme provides participating organisations with data-driven insights, comprehensive toolkit, ongoing collaboration and access to the growing network of PiPA partners in order to work towards achieving the 10 points on the Best Practice Charter.
By working in partnership with PiPA you will gain access to insights from our extensive programme of research as well as direct experience working with a range of organisations, each with their own remit.
The programme offers multiple tried-and-tested solutions and strategies as well as case studies, sample budgets, guides and practical resources.
Interventions are adopted cross-organisationally and adapted to work in different settings. There’s no one-size fits all solution. We identify bespoke strategies appropriate to the organisation’s scale, circumstances and budget.
The combination of Charter Programme, symposiums, events, toolkit and expert guidance provide a unique set of resources - designed by and for the performing arts.
What Do I Get As A Partner?
Use a tried and tested framework for supporting carers and parents

An in-depth framework to review your policies, working practices and resources, which will highlight your strengths and areas for development when supporting your parent and carer workforce.

Driven by best practice and ispirational industry leaders, these events enable all pipa charter partners to collaborate on issues pertinent to the development of your family friendly working, to produce shared solutions.

Being a charter partner means you are part of a uk-wide network of performing arts organisations, all striving for change. This enables organisations of different sizes and dicilpines to learn from and support one another.

Since 2016 pipa have been progressing the agenda of supportive practices for parents and carers in performing arts, informed by research and actioned in parternship with performing arts organisations and unions. The pipa team use this knowledge to support you in the change you want to achieve in your organisation.

The indiviual assessment provides practical recommendations to inform an action plan, formed of short-term and strategic points that are achievable, based on your own capacity and reflective of your current agenda.

Obtaining vital insight from your parent and carer workforce can support you in identifying key challenges and solutions, esuring your strategy is relevent and representative. We can support in the facilitation of these focus groups.

Whether you are developing a new policy, creating a family friendly welcome pack or trialing a flexible rehearsal schedule, we have case studies, resources and guidelines created by charter parters who have already exploredthat area of work. These capture their advice and learning to support the successful implimentation of your own initiatives.

Sharing the success from each charter parter strengthens our collective ability to show the rest of the industry what is possible. We do this through social media, national press, research papers, network groups, events and webinars.
What Our Partners Say About Us
Access to work for all, including carers and parents, is crucial to the long term sustainability of the performing arts. I’m excited to be exploring with PiPA how we can remove existing barriers that those with caring responsibilities may have faced, and help shape new working practices at the National Theatre.
Rufus Norris, Artistic Director, National theatre
The Charter Programme Report gave us a real sense of not only how far we had come on our journey to be a PIPA-positive employer, but also gave us both direction and motivation is how we could improve further with practical suggestions and ready-made resources making that job so much easier and more efficient.
Royal Lyceum Edinburgh,
Thanks so much for sending all the COVID-19 information today, this has been the most useful, human, and comprehensive, so just thank you!
Liverpool Everyman and Playhouse,
What have we done to deserve PiPA
Middle Child Theatre,
We ask organisations for a financial contribution towards the running cost of the PiPA Charter Programme. Whilst this does not cover the cost of the programme in its entirely it is essential in order to meet our core costs.
Please contact us for more details.
Becoming A Charter Partner
Becoming a Charter Partner gives you the tools, resources and policies you need to start implementing family-friendly working practices.