Strategic Partners work alongside PiPA to develop new thinking and an infrastructure which supports the UK’s parent and carer workforce. They play a leading role in future-proofing the performing arts, using their networks, resources and support to further PiPA’s objectives.
To enquire about becoming a PiPA Strategic Partner please email Cassie@pipacampaign.com

We are working with a growing roster of performing arts organisations to deliver our Charter programme. These partners are making their places of work more inclusive and accessible to parents and carers.
Every Charter Partner demonstrates what can be achieved when PiPA principles are turned into practical action.
To enquire about becoming a PiPA Charter Partner please email programmes@pipacampaign.com

This new and evolving type of partnership involves and acknowledges the many vital organisations working hard to increase diversity and equality in the UK performing arts.
Our Campaign Partners are aligned with PiPA’s principles, adding their commitment, insights and initiatives to ours within collaborative campaigns.
To enquire about becoming a PiPA Campaign Partner please email Cassie@pipacampaign.com



