PiPA is looking for an ambitious, highly organised Operations Manager to join our team.  
This role is part-time, flexible and home based, and would be perfect for someone looking to take a pro-active approach to work/life balance.  
28 hours per week, £30, 000 pro rata.  
Application deadline: Monday 9th May, 9am. Find out more
We have new professional development opportunities* on offer as part of our 'Return and Retain' Project in Yorkshire, including:
  • Director or Producer placement at Tutti Frutti Theatre Company 
  • Shadowing Opportunity at Balbir Singh Dance Company
*please note that these opportunities have strict eligibility criteria. 

Application deadline: Tuesday 3rd May. Find out more
PiPA in Dance: 
In 2021 we launched a new research project, funded by Dance Professionals Fund*, investigating the specific challenges faced by parents and carers in dance. 

In Spring 2022, PiPA will host roundtable discussions with choreographers and artistic directors to identify existing family-friendly working practices in dance. If you’d like to take part please email anna@pipacampaign.com. The findings will be used to inform the development of PiPA’s Charter Programme in Dance.  

For more information about this project, see here.
*PiPA Partner Dance Professionals Fund provides financial support for dancers, choreographers and choreologists affected by illness, injury or other unexpected circumstances. DPF also provide support for everyday living costs, including housing, childcare and travel. Find out more
PiPA in Ballet: 
Working practices in Ballet are unique. A series of bespoke focus groups for current and retired ballet dancers with caring responsibilities will take place in Summer 2022.  

Sign up for our Ballet Focus Groups here
PiPA in Scotland: 
PiPA Foundations, an entry- level programme designed to support organisations of all sizes, remits and resources to develop more inclusive workplaces, is currently being trialled with 18 organisations in Scotland including Federation of Scottish Theatre, Eden Court, All or Nothing Aerial Dance Theatre and The Touring Network.     

Funded by Creative Scotland, whose vital work in this area also includes the ground-breaking Radical Care Fund, these trials are testament to the increasing momentum across Scotland to improve access to opportunities and support for parents and carers.  
PiPA in Music: 

PiPA’s Classical Music survey received almost 300 completed responses from Musicians, Singers, Composers and Conductors from across the UK. The initial survey finding suggest that there is a not only a real need for changes to working practices within Classical Music, but a significant appetite for improvements to work life balance.  

‘Stay tuned’ (we couldn’t help ourselves!) for the next steps in this important area of work.  
PiPA in Yorkshire: 

Our ‘Return and Retain’ Project kicked off in December 2021 with a cohort of parent and carer freelancers that span the breadth of the performing arts industry, including a dance, music, theatre and even puppetry!  

Funded by Arts Council England, this project aims to support parents and carers who are further marginalised due to their ethnicity, cultural heritage, disability, neurodivergence, sexual orientation, gender identity or socio-economic background. 

Alongside supporting their individual professional development, these freelancers will help PiPA develop a toolkit that organisations can use to better support parents and carers that face additional barriers to employment.  

There are additional places available on the scheme. If you are interested in joining the cohort, please see here.  
We are delighted to welcome three new additions to our Charter Programme; BalletLORENT, Actors Touring Company and Lord Whitney. Each of these organisations has already started to make significant contributions to the PiPA’s peer-to-peer learning toolkit, which partners continually identify as the most valued aspect of our Charter Programme.  

Earlier this year we ran a webinar for Performing Arts Organisations looking at applying for Arts Council England funding  and how PiPA can support organisations with their applications. Catch up with the webinar here.
In the next few months, members of our Charter Programme will be attending seminars investigating how to get the most out of monitoring as a tool for informing strategy as well as how to navigate the complex ins and outs of Shared Parental Leave. 

If you are committed to exploring new ways of working to increase inclusion and diversity across the board and are Interested in joining the Charter Programme you can! Find out more here or book a call with PiPA Charter Programme Manager Matt by emailing matt@pipacampaign.com.
The PiPA Charter Programme is heavily subsidised. Subscriptions from our partners cover only a small proportion of our costs. To stay accessible to all, we cannot raise additional fees from performing arts bodies, many of which remain under substantial financial pressure and are therefore reliant on Trusts, Foundations and Donations. 

PiPA would like to say a huge thank the Actors' Children's Trust (ACT) for their ongoing and vital support, and their extremely generous grant of £50,000 towards PiPA's next year of development. Robert Ashby, ACT Executive Director said:

"ACT is sad to see yet more parents being forced out of the acting profession, but the fund is doing its best to help parents stay. ACT’s grants to families this month have already totalled £120,000 including a lot of childcare funding to make acting jobs feasible.”   

If you are an actor-parent who might need support, please check out www.actorschildren.org - it is a completely confidential and friendly charity that is here to help. 

If you are interested in supporting PiPA’s work, no matter how big or small the contribution we would love to hear from you. Please contact cassie@pipacampaign.com to discuss how you can make a difference.
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