Colette Overdijk is a member of the first violin section in the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. She is also the Musician’s Union Steward for the orchestra, works regularly with Birmingham Contemporary Music Group, teaches at the University of Birmingham and often plays in CBSO’s chamber music series Centre Stage. She has also guest-led the orchestra of Scottish Ballet. Colette has previously held positions at the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and Stavanger Symphony Orchestra. Her Masters Degree (Distinction) was obtained at the Royal College of Music, learning with Jan Repko. In the Netherlands she received her Bachelor Degree studying at the Royal Conservatoire in The Hague, learning with Ilona Sie Dhian Ho.

“I have seen how my colleagues struggle to juggle parenting and their job in the orchestra, both practically and financially. A performing artist in the 21st century shouldn’t have to choose between a career and being a parent. Childcare in the performing arts, with its antisocial hours, should also be of concern to the arts organisations themselves. I am very proud to become an ambassador for PiPA!”